Starting a new job is pretty scary. Will everyone like me? Will my boss and I understand each other? Will I learn quickly enough? What is parking like? Is there a fridge to keep my lunch in? Questions we’ve all worried about, right?
Now add an ostomy to the equation. Did my boss google me during the hiring process and find out I have an ostomy? Should I tell my boss or coworkers about my ostomy? How do I omit the major accomplishments of the last two years of my life? What should I wear? What if I have an accident at work? What am I going to do on change days?
The inner dialogue goes on and on. I know, I’m living it. I start my new job in a week. It’s full time, a strict 8-5, which is going to require a drastic change from my current lifestyle. Currently I work a pretty flexible schedule allowing me to sleep in when I need to, take the day off if necessary, take naps in the afternoon if I finish early, run my errands during business hours, and get together with friends for lunch. It’s been a sweet gig but in an effort to cut my stress, develop healthier habits, and be able to save for the future, it’s time for a change.
Like most people starting something new, you can imagine I’m nervous. I’ve been calling this week my “zen” week with the intention to spend it how I want, doing what I want and preparing myself for the change that’s coming. So far (day 2 as I write this), it’s been semi-successful. With a tendency to over-commit myself, it’s been hard to allow myself to just relax. I have long lists of things I want to accomplish and feel guilty taking a nap or surfing the net, but that’s really what I’d like to be doing. First world problems?
Despite my lolly-gagging, I’ve been relatively productive. I’ve made a few different food options that I’ll be able to defrost and enjoy in the first few weeks of work so I don’t have to stress about coming home and making dinner. I’ve also assessed the parking situation and decided that the bus is probably going to be my best bet. I successfully rode the bus as though I were going to work and confirmed it would get me there on time. I also walked around the office to check out food options – limited, which is probably good for my wallet. The interpersonal worries are just going to have to be put on the back burner for now, I’m sure everyone will like me and I’ll do an amazing job.
Have you started a new job recently? What did you do to help yourself prepare?