NewbieOstomy Has A New Look!

I’ve been working on a new look (and improved information) for Newbie Ostomy for months. Almost a year, actually. I didn’t want to make it live until it was perfect, but who am I kidding? It will never be perfect. There will always be things to improve and add to the website because there’s always new information and experiences to share.  So, I’ve come to accept that Newbie Ostomy will always be a work in progress and that it would be silly to keep it hidden forever.

I’d love for you to browse around, explore and give me feedback. Tell me what you like, what you don’t like, what you think is missing… Help me make this website a one-stop spot for new ostomates to find answers to their questions and concerns, and comfort knowing that they aren’t alone in their adventure.

How to Change an Ostomy Pouch and Other tips for living with an ostomy Ostomy HumorOstomy Lifestyle


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