A good friend of mine who has experienced a loss gave me some great advice when he found out about my ostomy adventure that I’ve found to be true and inspiring. Here’s what he said:
Nobody gets to leave this world with everything they entered it with. However with loss there is gain. You find out just how resilient you are. You learn you can take a punch. You discover that you are capable of more. In fact, you discover that you have no idea what you are capable of. You stretch and you reach because you are unafraid. You start to believe that you survived for a reason. That sends you on a search for that reason. You are no longer aimless. You find purpose in finding purpose. You no longer waste time. You pack your life with important things. You become happy and calm. And when you are challenged again people will marvel at how well you weather your troubles. You will marvel at how well you weather your troubles. Then when you are old like me you will be able to offer wisdom to someone else. Hey, maybe that is our purpose after all!
– Len Esparza
It’s okay to grieve!
After he sent me the above, I asked if he had any tips for grieving as I’d realized I had started to grieve the loss of my colon and didn’t want to find myself in a downward spiral. Here are Len’s tips for grieving a loss.
The power of the mind is incredible; convince your mind that your ostomy is your best friend and nothing can stop you!